Google Plus Circles And Youtube

By Yussef Smith

Google users can now use their Google accounts to log on to YouTube and upload videos. If you use Google Plus and YouTube for marketing purposes, you should know that it is possible to share YouTube videos with the members of a Google Plus Circle.

Creating Google Plus Circles is a great way to organize your contacts. If you are a marketer, you can for instance create a Circle for your best customers and have another one for prospective customers so you can adapt your messages in function of your audience.

Now that Google users can use their Google account on YouTube, it is also possible to upload a private YouTube video that is accessible only to the members of one of your Google Plus Circles. This means you could share exclusive video content with the Circle of your choice.

This new features opens up a lot of possibilities and you will have to figure out the best way to integrate it into your marketing campaign. Ask yourself what kind of content would be perceived as valuable by the members of your Circles. Potential customers would for instance be interested in videos that demonstrate the products they are still hesitating about buying while existing customers would probably be more interested in learning about promotional offers that will help them save money on their next order.

Explore the different features of Google Plus and YouTube to figure out the best way to market your brand. If you feel that exclusivity is a great way to generate some interest for your products, create restricted video content.

This feature means that video content can now be made exclusive to a Google Plus Circle. If you have been thinking about starting a video blog or using video content to present your products in an original manner, setting your video as private means that they will not impact the initial impression a person would get from your brand and its online presence. This gives you more control over the content you expose your audience to as they learn more about your products. You could for instance create some private videos to show products before you release them to a select few customers. You could also share some coupon codes or information about promotional offers only to a specific group of customers. Google Plus makes it easy for you to create and manage circles so you can organize your contacts in function of how likely they are to purchase a product and share adapted video content with each target group.

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