Twitter Release New Update

By Hassan Khan

A big development, and good news for users, has emerged from the Twitter headquarters today. They have announced that all users will now be given access to their analytics system. This information was previously limited to advertisers.

The analytics feature can be accessed via It is open to everyone, and offers valuable insights into how tweets are performing, as well as metrics on monthly engagement rates for the account that you are logged in to.

These metrics can be quite eye-opening. Many people have found that the organic reach and engagement rate on Twitter can actually be as low as the rate for Facebook. Twitter does not filter user's feeds in the same way that Facebook does, and this has led to many people assuming that this means that Twitter's engagement is very high.

However, what people forget is that the sheer volume of tweets that the average Twitter user is exposed to means that there is a very high chance that your messages will be missed. It is important that brand owners use second-chance tweets to increase the visibility of their messages, and try to schedule posts throughout the day, so that their content is not drowned among all of the other tweets that come through.

Any user who wants to begin using this new data, or simply wants to take a look, can do so by going to their Tweet activity dashboard, or by logging into It is likely that many Twitter users will be happy with this news, which many have requested for a long time. However, it may also provide some shocks and surprises when they discover how little interaction their tweets are receiving. There has already been many surprises noted by users on social media. The news has certainly brought a lot of attention to Twitter this week.

I feel like a lot of us do not even know what we have signed up for when it comes to Twitter. Usually, what happens is we open our phone in the morning and we see an update request. Today, I will talk about what goes behind those updates and one of the biggest updates that has arrived for Twitter for users this very Summer.

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