Finding The Right Agency To Assist With Bail Bonds Grand Rapids

By Brian Kennedy

Anyone keen on reading novels or listening to the news will have come across the concept of bail bonds. The word gets invoked when someone wants to be released from the custody of the police pending the main trial. There is that duration when their case is still under investigation. The lawyers of the person can argue that under the law one remains innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, the accused individual can be set free to go about their regular business. One is just expected to pay bail bonds Grand Rapids.

One starts the process of obtaining a bail by approaching an authorized bond agent. These experts are easy to get in touch with. Just walk around the court buildings and ask around, it will not take long to get them. The rates and prices for their services differ from one place to the next. The document you receive, as a defendant, comes containing the regulations set upon by the court for your release.

The release forms get accorded to every citizen. There are, however, some exceptions to this golden rule. People who have in the recent past skipped bail are going to be denied automatically. Folks who have been accused of serious crimes, for instance, first-degree murders are most likely going to miss out on the opportunity to walk scot free as the investigations continue. It is up to the judge to make this call.

One starts off by paying a given fraction of the set amount. The percentage normally ranges from ten percent. What happens is that if you fail to appear in court when the bond matures, the ten percent is taken by the government. Additionally, you pay the remaining ninety percent of the total amount previously set by the presiding judge for your bail hearing.

Attempts to skip bail are commonplace. There have been many cases of defendants deciding that there is no need for them to continue awaiting trial. In a majority of the instances, these folks are guilty of the crimes they got accused of in the first place. Evading the law is done at your peril. Eventually, the authorities will get you and then you will be in ten times the trouble you were in, to begin with.

One pays a small fraction of the set bond before being released. The defendant via their agent pays ten percent of the fixed amount. In case they honor their pledge, and they appear in court on the set date, then this amount is returned to you. Otherwise, you pay the remaining ninety percent penalty. Skipping bail opens up a world of problems for you in the inbound future.

An innocent person feels no pain whatsoever in paying the bond. They know that once the ruling gets done they shall be declared innocent and then the money will come back to their pockets. The amount you get back after an acquittal sometimes differs slightly with the amount you placed. The difference is accounted for by the taxation and the transaction fees associated with the monetary transaction.

It is possible for you to learn a lot of vital information on this particular topic online. There exists a vast number of excellent resource hubs you could choose to learn from. Just Google something generic and get started today. Hiring a lawyer is a prudent move in the right direction. The move ensures you stay fully informed on every decision you choose to take as a defendant seeking a bond.

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