How To Get A Mortgage In BC

By John Guy

Over the course of the recession, many people have asked me how to get a mortgage. Many lenders have added extra clauses and conditions to their offerings and even withdrawn certain products. First-time buyers have been affected more than most and many have been forced out the market. However, signs are looking more positive and as the economy is stabilizing here's a guide to maximize securing yourself the best mortgage deal you can.

Once the borrower has a pre-approval, then he or she is on the verge of getting a Mortgage. The most frequent question asked by many borrower is "can I get a mortgage"? Well its simple, everyone can get a mortgage according to his/her credit score. The higher the credit score the more you can borrow on a lower interest rate and vice versa. The lower credit score results in a higher down payment and higher interest rates.

You don't pay the mortgage broker to do this, the bank does. So it cost you nothing to go see a mortgage broker. The mortgage broker will take your application the same way a bank does. And then they'll shop around to find you the best rate and best terms for your mortgage. The mortgage broker will do all the hard work for you. It's often the fastest, easiest, and most hassle free way to get a mortgage.

On this spot, Mortgage Brokers can help you How to get a mortgage in BC according to you credit score and borrowing limit. They help you find the best deal with lowest interest rates from best loan lenders. However, they can be a bit expensive because you have to give them a commission. Still involving the mortgage brokers is considered as the best option because they do all the communication and paper work on your behalf with loan lenders to avoid you from headache tic process .

Waiting for the Outcome of Your Application. Usually you'll know the outcome of your application quite quickly but every application is subject to individual assessment. Once your application passes initial assessment, the property for which you're borrowing the money will be valued on behalf of the lender which all in should take around 2 weeks. If the lender is pleased with this then you and your solicitor will both be issued with a copy of the mortgage offer. From this point all the legal processes, transfer of the property to your name and drawing down of your funds should take anywhere between 4 to 8 weeks.

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